Intelligent Connectivity for
Today & Tomorrow's Manufacturing
Imagine the
availability of business-critical information anywhere and anytime on your
shop floor. Facilitate J.I.T. and dynamic
manufacturing environments with WireFreeDNC™.
Provide mobile employees with convenient access to information such as
scheduling, repairs and technical data.
Move CNC equipment anywhere and
anytime without RS-232 Cables
Always be connected to your
Receive detailed data from
every CNC anywhere on the shop floor
Lap-Tops or Portable computers
supported with Wireless Cards
Pre-configured Wireless Device
at each CNC
If a device fails or breaks only that CNC is
affected. A WireFreeDNC™
connection is superior to serial hubs or multi-port devices.
Since, failure in the latter can affect multiple CNC equipment,
rendering a group of tools without communication.
Easy installation into CNC
Installation of the Wireless device in a CNC
internally provides protection in a manufacturing environment.
Short serial connection cable provides unsurpassed
reliability for the classic RS-232 communications protocol